Ціль сталого розвитку

Мир та справедливість

Сприяння побудові мирного та інклюзивного суспільства задля сталого розвитку, забезпечення доступу до правосуддя для всіх і створення ефективних, підзвітних та заснованих на широкій участі інституцій на всіх рівнях

Партнери реалізації

Donetsk Oblast Civil-Military Administration
Luhansk Oblast Civil-Military Administration
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Donbas SOS
Right to Protection
Tenth of April
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Партнери, що інвестують

Core funds
WHO Voluntary Contribution

Where we work: The UN’s programmatic interventions

The UN is implementing 0 programmatic interventions during the ongoing programme cycle. The map below displays the number of programmatic interventions per location (note that a programmatic intervention may be linked to more than one location). Click on the number on the map to get a summary description of the programmatic interventions. Programmatic interventions may be linked to the national level or specific locations/sub-national level. Note that some interventions linked to specific locations might also have components at the national level, even if they are not categorized as country-level interventions. Click on “Show location details” in the bottom right corner to view a summary table with locations, the number of programmatic interventions, and the UN entities working in those locations. For definitions of programmatic interventions, please refer to the Glossary section.

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