Invisible Battalion 2.0: Women Veterans Returning to Peaceful Life

Invisible Battalion 2.0’: Women Veterans Returning to Peaceful Life” is a participatory and evidence-based study that summarizes the legal and normative frameworks guaranteeing women veterans’ peaceful reintegration. It illustrates how women veterans are using the services offered by the Government of Ukraine to enable their reintegration, and the challenges thereof, and proposes a roadmap to strengthen women veterans’ access to services for quality post-military lives, and how they can be better served based on these insights.
The sociological research was commissioned as part of UN Women’s support to Ukraine in the implementation of the landmark UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, which reaffirms the important role of women and their equal participation in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction.
The study builds on the advocacy efforts of the women veterans’ movement, through the ‘Invisible Battalion 1.0’, the first phase of the advocacy efforts that sensitized women and men of Ukraine about the critical and under-acknowledged contributions of service women in the country.