2017 National Baseline Report «Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine»

The ‘Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine’ national report provides the baseline and benchmarks for Ukraine to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Summit 2015.
Taking into account the principle of ‘leave no one behind’ and using a wide range of informational, statistical and analytical materials, a national SDGs system has been developed (with 86 national development targets and 172 indicators for monitoring them) which will provide a solid base for further planning Ukraine’s development and monitoring its achievement of the SDGs.
This report was prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine under the coordination of Natalia Gorshkova and approved by the High-Level Interministerial Working Group for the organization of the process of implementing the SDGs in Ukraine under the chairmanship of the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Stepan Kubiv – and the UN Resident Coordinator in Ukraine, Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine and UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, Neal Walker.