Press Release

Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General – on Ukraine

20 July 2023

The Secretary-General strongly condemns the Russian attacks against port facilities in Odesa, and other Ukrainian Black Sea ports. 

The attacks contradict the Russian Federation’s commitments under the Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations, which states that “the Russian Federation will facilitate the unimpeded export of food, sunflower oil and fertilizers from Ukrainian controlled Black Sea ports.”  

The Secretary-General also recalls that the destruction of civilian infrastructure may constitute a violation of international humanitarian law.  

These attacks are also having an impact well beyond Ukraine. We are already seeing the negative effect on global wheat and corn prices which hurts everyone, but especially vulnerable people in the global south. 

For his part, the Secretary-General will not relent in his efforts to ensure that Ukrainian and Russian food and fertilizer are available on international markets as part of his ongoing efforts to fight global hunger and ensure stable food prices for consumers everywhere. 


Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General 

New York, 20 July 2023 

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