Press Release

Joint Communique – Community Driven Recovery in Ukraine

20 June 2023

The Vice Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kubrakov, and the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown, convened a Roundtable on 20 June 2023 to discuss and reaffirm the importance of communities shaping their own recovery and called on all partners to continue to support reconstruction in line with decentralization efforts, which have been a key part of the country’s ambitious reform agenda over the past years.

Caption: 20 June 2023, London, UK
Photo: © RCO

The meeting focused on the significance of engaging communities so that their voices drive the recovery and reconstruction process and working in close collaboration with local, regional, and national authorities, as well the United Nations, civil society, the private sector and international development partners. Positive examples of community-driven recovery were shared from Izium and Kharkiv City. The following points were raised and mutually agreed upon during the Roundtable:

  1. The Government of Ukraine and the United Nations in Ukraine reiterate their strong commitment to community-driven recovery and reconstruction.
  1. The Government of Ukraine recognizes the essential role of communities in identifying their priorities, needs and aspirations for recovery and actively partnering with all levels of authorities in the implementation process.
  1. The United Nations in Ukraine expresses its unwavering commitment to supporting the community-driven recovery process. The organization will leverage its presence within communities and continue to foster close working relationships with authorities at all levels to provide effective assistance.
  1. The successful efforts in Izium were highlighted as a model of community driven recovery where through combined efforts of national government, local authority, civil society and United Nations, partners are coming together to rebuild homes, schools, medical facilities, community centers, water and heating systems; demine agricultural land to return it to productive output; provide small-holder farmers with grants to continue their livelihoods; and provide mental health and psychosocial support to families and individuals in the community to build resilience and overcome the trauma caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion and war.
  1. The successful efforts in Kharkiv City were highlighted as a model for conducting widespread community consultations guided by expert voices from academia and professional associations. This allowed the city authorities over the past year to develop a sophisticated Masterplan for recovery and reconstruction that is owned by the community and presented for investments with ready pilot projects.    
  1. The Vice Prime Minister and the Resident Coordinator commended the joint efforts that have led to progress on recovery in Izium and Kharkiv City, underscoring the importance of similar initiatives across the country.
  1. The meeting emphasized that the return of displaced people, recovery of communities and the thriving of small and medium enterprises can only be achieved through comprehensive debris removal and humanitarian demining activities.
  1. The United Nations in Ukraine reiterates its commitment to support the people-centered and human rights-based recovery and reconstruction efforts through its Transitional Framework 2022-2024 (which is currently funded with 1 billion USD for priorities related to recovery and development). This Transitional Framework is joint agreed with the Government of Ukraine and aligns with the Government's five early recovery priorities and ten policy reform priorities. This collaborative approach enhances the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of recovery and reconstruction.
  1. Recognizing the financial needs of community-driven recovery, the United Nations in Ukraine is developing the concept of a Ukraine Community Recovery Fund in partnership with the Government. The goal of the Fund is to provide a flexible source of funding that can be rapidly deployed to drive strategic recovery priorities, bridge gaps to ensure holistic approaches, and pilot proof of concept innovative ideas. The Fund aims to mobilize a total of USD 300 million over the next five years, with an initial seed funding target of USD 50 million.
  1. The Fund upholds a human rights-based and people-centered approach. The approach recognizes that recovery extends beyond economic growth and infrastructure reconstruction, encompassing the promotion and protection of the rights of all individuals. It seeks to empower people, address inequalities, and promote social inclusion and cohesion.

The Minister and the Resident Coordinator concluded the Roundtable with a shared determination to ensure that community-driven recovery remains at the forefront of the reconstruction agenda. They reaffirmed their commitment to work together and with relevant stakeholders to foster long-term recovery, resilience, and prosperity for the people of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Kubrakov

Vice Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine


Denise Brown

UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine

Photo: © Ministry of Recovery of Ukraine

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office

Other entities involved in this initiative

Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure

Goals we are supporting through this initiative