FAO invites Ukrainian suppliers to participate in local tender for animal feed and supplements
28 November 2022
The applications should be submitted through the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) by 12 December 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a national tender to procure animal feed and supplements to support vulnerable livestock keepers in rural areas of 13 oblasts of Ukraine.
The programme aims to cover over 27 000 households in Chernivetska, Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Ivano-Frankivska, Kharkivska, Lvivska, Mykolaivska, Odeska, Poltavska, Ternopilska, Vinnytska, Zakarpatska and Zaporizka oblasts.
According to the recent FAO assessment on the impact of the war on rural households in Ukraine, around 64 percent of those involved in livestock production reported increasing difficulties in purchasing animal feed. As a result, many rural households are left with little choice than to resort to negative coping strategies such as selling productive assets and reducing expenses on animal feed and health supplements.
The provision of animal feed, mineral supplements and veterinary medicines is necessary for the survival of existing livestock and, most importantly, for preventing rapid animal destocking, especially in contact-line areas.
This activity is part of FAO’s Rapid Response Plan (March-December 2022) and aims to support the most affected rural livestock keeping households to meet the food and nutrition needs of their families. The activity has been made possible with the generous support of Australia, Belgium, the European Union, France, the Louis Dreyfus Foundation and the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund.
For this tender, potential suppliers are invited to submit offers for either the complete quantity or partial quantities of the following inputs for raising poultry, calves and pigs:
- Crushed Wheat (3 209.1 tonnes in total);
- Crush Corn (1 517.8 tonnes in total);
- Universal protein-vitamin-mineral feed supplement (845.65 tonnes in total);
- Starter protein-vitamin-mineral feed supplement (437.99 tonnes in total);
- Grower protein-vitamin-mineral feed supplement (437.99 tonnes in total);
- Finisher protein-vitamin-mineral feed supplement (1 094.975 tonnes in total);
- Sunflower cake (1 583.85 tonnes in total).
In order to participate in the tender, suppliers are invited to apply through the United Nations Global Market Place www.ungm.org by selecting the following tender:
The closing date and time for the submission is 12 December 2022 at 09:59 CEST (10:59 Kyiv time).
The suppliers are required to be registered (https://www.ungm.org/Vendor/Registration). Detailed instructions on how to access FAO tender documents and submit the bid through UNGM can be downloaded from the UNGM Tender Management page.
On 1 December 2022 at 11:00 Kyiv time, FAO will hold an online conference for potential suppliers to present detailed information on submission requirements, respond to queries and review instructions for registration in the UNGM system. The link to the conference will be shared through the UNGM.
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