Sustainable Development Goals Voluntary National Review: Ukraine

The first Voluntary National Review of progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the VNR) addresses transformational changes in the society on the path towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The VNR presents findings of the first stage of the systemic work with the SDGs since 2015, which covers adaptation of the SDGs in Ukraine, monitoring of the SDGs and analysis of key trends, and evaluation of the extent to which the SDG targets are incorporated into strategic and policy documents of Ukraine. The VNR provides a vision of achievements and challenges on the way towards achievement of each of the 17 SDGs as per the benchmarks set on the basis of the calculating and forecasting efforts, and summarizes results of the national development assessment in terms of the SDGs. The VNR considers main provisions of the documents elaborated in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Ukraine (September 2019) as regards enshrinement of the SDGs as benchmarks for drafting of programming and forecasting documents.
The publication presents dynamics of the SDGs achievement progress in terms of key indicators. The VNR is based on a wide range of information and analytical materials and statistical data for 2015-2019.