Press Release

Ukraine will chair the ECOSOC discussion on how to improve the UN assistance to countries to accelerate their development

19 May 2021

  • Today, on 19th of May, the 2021 Operational Activities for Development Segment of the UN Economic and Social Council began, the main purpose of which is to review the activities of the reformed UN development system. The discussion in ECOSOC will determine the extent to which the UN development system responds to the needs and priorities of countries in providing assistance to them. UN member states will also consider how the UN system can improve and strengthen its partnerships, including with international financial institutions, that share common authority, resources and experience on a number of multidimensional development challenges.

Message of the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN S. Kyslytsia:

“The UN development system is the largest channel of multilateral assistance, which accounts for 37% of all funds provided by international organizations. Operational (project) activities aimed at assisting countries in their development account for more than 70% of all activities of the UN agencies and have grown to the funding of $ 38 billion in recent years, which is directed to the implementation of development projects in 162 countries.

At the same time, Ukraine is part of a group of countries with a large number of ongoing projects. Therefore, our country, which was interested in increasing the operational activities of the UN was effective and result-oriented, duplication has been eliminated and there were no gaps in the cooperation of UN agencies at the country level."

A report by UN Secretary-General A. Guterres on 2021 UN operational policy states that progress has been made in strengthening the newly created system of resident coordinators, as demonstrated during the pandemic.

Message of the UN Resident Coordinator in Ukraine, Humanitarian Coordinator Osnat Lubrani:

"Today’s event under the auspices of the ECOSOC is an excellent opportunity to showcase to the whole world the robust cooperation between the UN system and Ukraine. Just as Ukraine is pursuing ambitious reforms, the UN likewise is transforming to align efforts of all UN agencies for greater impact and efficiency in supporting Ukraine’s national priorities and commitments to achieve the SDGs by 2030.  I am proud to report that for 2020, the UN surpassed its UN Partnership Framework planned budget of USD 200 million for activities in Ukraine. To ensure a strong response to the unprecedented challenge of a COVID-19 pandemic, funds swiftly mobilized enabled the UN to deliver at 115 per cent, a total of USD 231 million for 2020.  In addition, to address humanitarian needs of people affected by conflict in Eastern Ukraine, whose situation was severely exacerbated by the virus outbreak, USD 128 million were mobilized under the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan, surpassing the previous years. We are energized to continue our excellent cooperation with Ukraine based on the principles of human rights, gender equality, geared today to support recovery from COVID-19 to build back better and leave no citizen behind."

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative