FAO and Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food launch registration for machinery for loading and unloading grain sleeves
02 December 2022
Registration will take place in two stages until 11 December through the State Agrarian Registry
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), jointly with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, is implementing a programme to provide farmers with temporary grain storage solutions (grain sleeves). Thanks to the support of the governments of Canada, Japan and the Minderoo Foundation, Ukrainian farmers are benefiting from the use of over 30 000 grain sleeves with a capacity of 200 tonnes each, which is covering 30 percent of the national storage deficit.
In continuation of this programme, FAO and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food are launching the registration process for 105 sets of specialized equipment for the loading and unloading of grain sleeves. Each set consists of one loader, one unloader and one bunker.
Registration will take place in two stages: the first stage is dedicated to the registration of recipients of the equipment; the second stage involves the selection of the final recipients of the equipment as elected by agricultural producers who have benefited from the grain sleeves distributed via FAO’s programme.
The first stage will last until 11 December and is accessible through the following programme in the State Agrarian Registry (SAR): "Receiving equipment from FAO for loading sleeves for grain storage."
Within this stage, potential receivers (operators) of equipment who are ready to provide services for the loading and unloading of grain sleeves on a commercial basis can register their interest. Each applicant is required to provide information on the equipment already in their possession, the oblast to be served and the associated costs for the loading and unloading services.
The second stage will last from 4 to 11 December and is accessible through the following programme in the SAR: "Selection of the recipient of equipment – the provider of services for loading grain sleeves received from FAO."
Within this phase, recipients of grain sleeves from FAO can identify between one and three recipients for the machinery based on the official list generated during the first stage of the registration process. The farmers who recently received grain sleeves from FAO can formally identify the operators that they believe should receive the equipment and should also indicate the number of sleeves that they need to be loaded by the selected operator.
For the convenience of agricultural producers, the list of the potential machinery operators will be published on the websites of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and the SAR.
In addition, FAO and the Ministry will hold a webinar at 11:00 on 2 December 2022 on the terms of participation in the programme.
Please join via the following link: https://fao.zoom.us/j/97321286492
Useful materials:
- Instructions on how to register in the SAR
- Instructions on entering the personal profile and editing information in the SAR
Contact Information:
- SAR contact center: +38 044 339 9215; support@dar.gov.ua
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO):
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